Friday, September 9, 2011

Haiku 6

Don't need vagina
No problem beating my dick
It owes me money

Haiku 5

I've sinned so damn much
Hope I'm forgiven, if not
I'll crack hell open

Haiku 4

I'm living life raw
Condoms can't even hold me
I just might catch AIDS

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Haiku 3

I can fuck all night
I am good at what I do
Ask your vagina

Haiku 2

You fucked my best friend

I hope you're proud of yourself

You dirty bitch you

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mad Rapper Rant

These dudes wanna make it, but I just wanna make it better

They wanna divide and I'm tryna unify to get hip hop together

It's not even about cheddar

No amount of currency can move me mentally from where I stand currently

Inadvertantly my verses are certainly worthy

I thoroughly invest in these lines like I'm tryn to get coke high

I wont lie, it gets frustratin to hear these basic rappers on mixtapes

And they get deals like they flippin through newspaper coupon pages

Im so far gone Drake shit

While loopin up the soul of KRS

I laid yall, rest

So if they never invest, my confidence will still be obvious

Or blatant like the attitude of an impatient girl kept waitin'

So I'm left waitin' on my shot like a chemo patient

I'll be more/B more patient like I'm sittin in an office at Johns Hopkins

I won't stop it

Even if I run out of options like I'm Tommy Frazier and Abdul Muhammad

Some dudes get blinded by the fame, so they're one track minded

But what they don't realize is that the game gets set back by that one track

Who wan bet that if I got on tracks and said shit absurd, that I'd prolly be heard

I'm largely disturbed by those impertinent verses

You know, those one's where they swagged out w/ their cash out

Shit makes me wanna lash out til they pass out

I'm tryna quantify all the shit that I'm mad bout

I'll just say plenty or infinitely many

I'm seething evidently

But all you can see with that evidence, is that I'm better than

And you weak dudes won't even equal to my sequel

My word play is lethal and your weapons are less than

This was expected I'm blessed man

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Letter To My Unborn Daughter

Good morning baby girl. Daddy has been waiting on you awhile now.

I can imagine that in your descent to this planet, there are many things that will make you smile now.

But my grin from ear to ear is in anticipation of this very moment. And this moment is in great need of but one component.

The smile of a face that would send chills down my spine

One created from the face of your moms and mine

Though Mom hasn't been chosen, you're still on my mind

The thought of your presence is the reason I grind

I take heed of wisdom that father's suggest

So your life will mirror that of a princess

I'm all ready to shelter you from the chill of this cold world

No matter your age, you'll still be Daddy's baby girl

Though the discipline might make you dislike Dad for sometime

Just know it's with Love that I whoop your behind

And when you're all grown up it'll be hard to rest

Just knowing the values I've instilled will be put to the test

But I'm sure you would say don't worry 'cause you're not the others

And you'll pass those tests with flying colors

So I sit here with the impatient anticipation of a father

And since I don't know you're name yet

I'll address this To My Unborn Daughter

And when you finally arrive, you'll know when you see me

'Cause I'll probably be the first smiling face that you see

Past those outstretched legs will be the face of your father

And I end this Letter To My Unborn Daughter.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Over Freestyle

Roses are red, viloets are armarillo

I got these b*tches stickin' to me like my names Magnito

You know fill 'em with the meat like a steak burrito

Then I emancipate they ass, call me 'We The People'

Sorry that's the Constitution, I'm blitzed off this Absolute

I stretch the game from the basement to the fuckin' roof

I'm killin' records and this right here is the fuckin' proof

I only pray that somehow this shit don't go aloof

I'm waitin' on stardom, I know that that's a problem

Especially of you can picture where I come from

So if you need to understand what I've done son

Then say that my life's the definition of conundrum

I stood tall on the shit that niggas run from

In the face of danger like what you want young!

I'm being blunt son, now who want some

And I don't need a deal, I'm spittin' for wisdom

I'm Built For This

I construct these words like construction workers

I lay the foundations with noun and verb creation

My heard summations of any event, won't bring me a scent/cent

So what you want from me, don't I smell like money

I tried to hammer the imagery into you amatuers

But y'all stare blank face like bastards on cannabis

Like animals in headlights, I'm dead right

But you live wrong, my tiers/tears strong

Pillars will never crack or be shaken

Even by earthquakes or love makin'

Oh Lord, these floorboards are reinforced

with references that'll leave the weak minded questionin

How their minds are like mobile homes

And mine is like Egyptian Pyramid's constructed before you were born

Get out your tape measure

With your lines you have to cut 10 times

Return to my verses, I give you what you want

I may measure 10 times, but I only cut once

I'm cut from...A different cloth

Not the ones you towel off...

And wash with, I'm God's gift

The gift He's given me is revelry

I'm mysterious, my verses are like predators

lurkin' behind shower curtains

I might trick ya like light fixtures

Placed on the wrong side of the hallway

The shit you say is a waste

Like running the AC all day

I'm all the way...turnt up

Like Roscoe or the furnace

That turnt black from being burnt up

Staring at me one can easily say that I've got the skills for this

So like sky scrapers in high places just know that I'm built for this

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Triumph Freestyle

This is an exercise in over zealousness, ‘cause I been waiting to get on like the Jefferson’s

I’m moving up yeah, just like an elevator. You broke jokers standin’ still like Metro escalators.

I’m yellin’, “eff the haters!” They throwin’ salt like waiters

And they be tryna watch me close like investigators.

They on their Blue’s Clues, while I’m on Protools

They on their Vince Vaughn, but that is Old School

They say they’re paper chasin’, well that is old news

That sets you up for failure, that means you gon’ lose

So I refuse to be mentioned in the sentence with them kids that don’t listen they don’t be about their business

I assume the position for these kids to pay attention to the move they be missin' they don't know about the world

Got ‘em callin earl, straight talk no chase

And that shit you talkin’ is oh so laced

It’s cynide based don’t drink the kool-aid

Eventually you’ll see what will get you paid

Friday, June 24, 2011

Dollar and A Dream Freestyle

I gotta dollar and these dreams are what I’m sellin’

If you listen to the story of my life it’s so compellin’

I’m reflectin’ on these lessons that I learned in adolescence

And the sh*t that I retained got these other niggas stressin’

And…That’s a blessin’ in itself I’m so relieved

Lookin’ back you probably wouldn’t ever think that I’d succeed

…I remember when my body used to seize

So I had to lie about it just to put my mom at ease

Yeah the shit that I endured bring you weak niggas to knees

And I knew I had to make it fair without moving them keys

So I chose to go to school, now I’m my 3rd Degree

You wonder how a nigga made it from special ed to Ph.D

And I’m still working for my Master’s, you could call it slavery

I got a wealth of fortitude, you dudes is lacking bravery

Y’all only fightin’ off that water, I call y’all navy beans

With these colors in my eyes, I got my focus on dark green

I had a dream the other day

and in it my…Lil girl said, “Daddy, your lil girls red”

“I’ve been waiting since your first rhyme to make my appearance”

“But seems as if you don’t wanna hear it”

“Clearly chasing chicks around, you’ve gotten so complacent”

“You’ve were looking for my mommy, look at all the time you’re wasting”

“And you fuckin’ with them bitches that be on that turkey basting”

“Since I’m chillin’ up in heaven, man I guess that I’ll be patient”

“But listen carefully, you ain’t gettin’ younger”

“So work it out because I want a lil brother”

“And God told me you already found my mother”

“So make it happen Dad, stuff start by happen stance”

“I’m in a hurry, but make sure you get married first”

“She ain’t a baby mother make sure that you marry her”

“If you keep wasting time I’ll be very hurt”

“But…I’ll love you Dad from birth until burial”

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lookin' For A Man?

Lookin' for a man?
Well look no further, because the further you look
at what it took to get you to look will get you took...

Lookin' for a man?
You ever been awaken to kisses,
by a man who's hell bent on callin' you misses?
And not only does he cook, but he'll do the dishes...

Lookin' for a man?
You ever been surprised with a trip the day that the flight takes off
By your boss who calls and says, "Would you like days off?"
And the legal money that he's gettin' like Madoff,
Means you ain't gotta worry about lay offs

Lookin' for a man?
You ever came home to a masseuse
After one of them days where you called him to say, "I'm thru!"
Or even when there's nothing stressin' you
You come home to a warm bath, afterwards him caressin' you?

Lookin' for a man?
My guess is, that it's a blessin'
after bein' awaken by the baby,
to have him, say "you can sleep in"

Lookin' for a man?
Gotten used to those guys,
Who look you right in your eyes
And tell you how they're gonna make love to you all night...
The when they're done you think it would've been more exciting to watch paint dry?

Lookin' for a man?
Well listen...I fit the description of what you've been missin'
And it's clever how I put words together, but this is serious bi'ness

So when I ask and you say,"I'm lookin' for a man!"
I'll just have you read this again, before I say, "Here I am."

Sunday, June 5, 2011


They say everything has its time and its place...Being said, I love being a bachelor, but can't wait to smash cake in her face

I'm greatful for His grace. Although I'm sure that the way I'm living life can be seen as disgrace. Charge it to misplaced...belief...

Then that way you can hand me a receipt for my conceit. So let's exchange our arrogance for change and variance, please.

I'm married to me. But pretty soon, I'm gonna change in these single shoes for a wedding in June.

A lesson from whom? Naw I'm straight on the education. Besides, I'm already paying back loans on the one I already own.

I'm far from being alone. So asking for someone to complete just isn't me. But I'm in astonishment of how you compliment...

Even without words you're loud, heard. Heard loud like whistles after spot fouls. She says, "Where's the love?", I am that now...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Body Talk

Just listen to this conversation that's takin place
No chauvinisim just straight elation of this face-to-face

Them other guys may pay attention to how you walk
But have you ever had a nigga that truly listened to your body talk?

So, yeah I saw you staring looking anything other than bored at my last performance
And the way you sat there twirling your hair, eyes saying ,"Hmmm" made my head enormous

See, the regular guy would've ignored that, he wouldn't have saw that
but I pay attention to everything you body mentions
Even all the way down to your leg positionin'

I ask the crowd sensual or sexual while looking at you
Your lips whispered the former
I ignored that because your hand gripped that cold glass
Which means your temperature got warmer

So, I pulled out my 'Mental Portfolio'
and I made sure I said it slow
So that every word could draw a reaction of what I planned to happen

I anticipated the frown on your face when I started with my 'Mind Games'
Trying to hide from the others your freaky side
But the way your thighs tightly closed
and your eyes slightly rolled left you exposed

Plus the biting of your lip
Let me know that my words had you hanging off that cliff...
Of orgasm mountain
And the index finger on your collarbone said, "I'm flowing like a fountain"

Your hips portrayed what your lips neglected to say
When in 'Mental Manipulation' I mentioned back breakin' love makin' and your leg shakin'
You stared patient, with a glare blatant
That it's almost thunder, and a precursor to you ridin' that wave like a waverunner
You're pussy says, "Hunger!"

You try not to indulge in my words
But the thobbing and precipitation has already occured
And you already know it's your fate that I have you scrapping the plate

As I step back from the mic
Your confirm with your eyes
that you want to do the opposite of I

I made my decent from the stage
Your breast begged me to stay
While your unenthused clap said, "You were just okay"

But that's okay
I could see that smirk from a mile away
So I'll just say
I listened to your body talk and it spoke volumes babe

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Haiku 1

Get on my level
Up early every morn
Spring train in winter

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mind Control

This flex is for all of you that think my depth is just sex
And I'm sure that from what I wrote before that that's a good guess

I must stress...that if you look at my body of work, you could hardly confer
That perverse is the term you could use to concert the value of my worth
I'm so hurt!

What happened to 'A Letter to My Unborn Daughter'?
Y'all chose to ignore her and take to slaughter
My 'Mind Games', where I was quoted sayin'
"I step back with a wink after I blow where it's pink"
But just think...if you took half that energy to get into me mentally

You'd eventually see that I'm not what's on the surface, but more of what lies beneath
I mean, take a look at 'Epiphany'
"...I must plow through the lines in my mind to field a field that may yield the fruit of content..."

I thought that was ill, but shit!
Y'all just hear 'Back In Your Mind'
When I tell you how I'm
"...tryna Category 5 in them thighs..."

I don't see any of you making a fuss
over 'The Introduction'
where I told you that I wasn't the same
as "the other dudes that were lame with their lies"
But it seems that 'Mental Manipulation' has your eyes
And more specifically
typing in "best sex ever and the first google site is me"

All I'm trying to say
is although I Mental Manipulate
Get it straight!
My depth exceeds '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea'
And mentally I'll transcend every border you've ever thought of

So, just applaud my broad range
And know that for every 'Mind Game'
There's a 'Check Mate'
or a 'Welcome Your Professor'
that I advocate