Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Welcome Your Professor

Please sit still while I teach you this lesson that I'm tryna bless you wit
I usually make people pay, but your ignorance has earned you a scholarship

My knowledge set is so polished that Pledge wants to model it
It's just the genius in these genes so I screen the terms of the mean that go unlearned

So in turn I need you in this chair and don't squirm
Sit still like it's a perm in your hair and you don't want to get burned

Like the way I use these words?
Well my diction is indicative of my vision
And you can add e'ry/ary to both if it's missin'
You're pissin' away you life without a mission
So I'll assume permission to be placed in a position...
To teach you the ways of the world
As if you're my little boys and girls
But I ain't daddy, I'm a little lesser
So you can just welcome me as your professor
First I'd like to say that I think it's Insane how yall think it's cute to make it rain
Please explain?
I pick up those dollars and invest in the stock market
So that money you threw up, I used to make a profit
Second, you guys boast about clothes of a person you don't know
Until you go broke
And I don't know when this became appealing,
but while you go broke these people are making millions
Third, you would rather you voice go unheard...
Then to show up at the polls and play a role...
Which has America on the verge of taking another blow
Now, it seems that you being a Benz roller
is more important than becoming a homeowner
Ready to finance some suicide doors
rather than a 30 year mortagage
Like I said I ain't tryna be daddy
I am just a professor
And my words were for you reflect and are not meant to pester
But I'm guessin' that it'll allow feelings of discontent to fester
So I'll just end my rant and know my role as the lesser


  1. amazing as usual...u truly do have a way with words...nd i agree whole-heartedly...folks focused on the wrong things out here..got the game effed up...

  2. This is a good one to perform, the crowd would be thinking... damn... lol. Good Job.
