Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Poem About Everything/Nothing

I'm tryna let the beat build
but as long as my feet are still
on solid ground
imma hold it down

I've been searching for the seeds
of a leaf that will strengthen my belief...
In the truth but somehow it's aloof...
or at bay, so what more can I say?

I'll just trace the opposite of fallacy
Hoping that it can carry me somewhere near infinity...
Or beyond in 'Lightyears', cause the 'Buzz' is right here
And I'm patiently waitin' on my intoxication

But sadly today I'm sober
And the more the day goes by I'm gettin' closer...
To snapping...

But watch how I 'Lean and Rock' wit it
'Cause as soon as the clock hits 6
I'm pulling down my landing gears
And preparing for the landing strip

If my altitude drops any lower
Then my attitude will grow colder

And you won't be able to recognize
Even without a disguise

I abide by the laws that I'm told
because the flaws that I hold
Are scrutinized more than the truth that I've sold

So if you can only purchase the negativity
Then I need for you to get away from me
Because more people are prone to criticize, than pray for me

I'm all about progression
And in the this recession
Any opposition gets eaten, no question

So as you look down your nose just notice,
that you're staring down the barrell of my AK
And the bullets that hit you are really the spit from the words that I spray

And you know what they say
That when your finger is pointed,
You have 3 pointed back your way
And I can go all day in hopes that you've heard somethin'
But I know that everything I've said probably meant nothin'


  1. I love it. Good stuff Jarrett, as usual.

  2. "whoever said progress was a slow process wasn't talking about you." A-EFFIN-MAZING!! stay on that positivity kick my dear...those who have negative thoughts and words need a moment of introspection to find that the hate they spew to you is only a reflection of what's inside of them... absolutely love it!
