Monday, August 23, 2010

Ms. Success

Hello Ms. Success.

I know that you think success is measure by the new house that you just bought
Those new clothes that you caught
Away from the sale rack
And I can tell that
Having a man isn't in your immediate plan

You see, In your quest to climb that corporate ladder
You strike out every batter
Who makes an approach to your plate
And even if they do get a hit,
they come up lame on their way to first base

I can't even begin to tell you how the men who catch a glimpse of your stride,
run and hide in terror
But you would rather have that if they don't have it together,
and even if they do you only love them for a few
Maybe a little longer depending on how well he put it on ya

Ms. Success, the more you succeed the more you stress
You see, those things you pretend not to care for
Are on your mind constantly
Therefore, you secretly envy those friends
With their children and men
Who haven't met what your definition of success is

Ms. Success, you don't mess with dudes that kiss and tell
And those dudes on them wishing wells
If they lack ambition, you wish them well
Then consider it a mission failed

That degree in dentistry wasn't enough to scoop a dude in the ministry
You pray to the Holy Trinity for a man that is in to Thee
Then get mad at G.O.D. when you get a wolf dressed in sheep's...
Clothing, as if every word out of his mouth wasn't exposing...
His true colors, or those flaws you decided to ignore

See Ms. Success, that biological clock is ticking
So that thing with ole boy that ain't clicking
You decided to ignore for a minute
Then all that lovin' has placed a bun in your oven
Now you're thrity somethin' and a baby mother

Now, a single mom you are Ms. Success
And internally you send out calls of distress
While exuding an attitude of "No sweat"

Ms. Succes, all you ever wanted was to have it all
And the route you chose may have been your down fall
But who ever said you were down?
See, your smile is your frown
So you know how to put on the mask when they come around

Ms. Success, I wish you the best in your prosperous endeavors
So know that all of the storms that you weather,
only come to make you better
And only measure yourself by your definition of success
Then sooner or later he will realize that you are/r between the "M." and the "S."


  1. I like this... and yet it kinda bothers me a little bit. I think the idea of a successful woman with all these specifications for her man is overstated. Women are usually pretty open-minded, even the "successful" ones.

  2. I like this one..even if it feels a bit too close to home or what home could be.

  3. @Crystal: You statement is just as specified as this poem. There are "successful" women out there who don't fit the description of the woman in this poem, but there are some that do. I wouldn't write a poem and try to fit all women in one box of my narrow view. The fact is, there are some women that fit this description. I have many different forms inspiration when it comes to writing which range from personal experience to my imagination. This particular poem came from a conversation with a woman who almost fits into this box. So don't be bothered, there are women out here like this.
