Monday, May 31, 2010

Love Repossessed

*knock knock*


Hello, I am here for Love's repossession

Before I take Love back, I have but one burning question

Did you really think you'd be able to keep Love forever? Have you not heard the news? We are in a Love recession

We were a lil worried when you started making minimum payments

Then you stopped paying your Love bill, which was not our intial arrangement

We tried to give you time to get your finances in line

But all you kept tellin' Love is you'd pay the bill in due time

So your Love I have come to take back

'Cause apparently your ass don't know how to act

I must let you know that your Love credit rate has decreased

And all that Love has shown you must now cease

I hope you have taken this as a lesson learned

Just in case in the future you are allowed another turn

To get back in good graces with the manufacturer of Love

And set up some payments that aren't so tough

Now say goodbye, because you abused Love's blessing

So I must leave your home with Love's repossession


The familiarity of this situation has controlled the regulation of my clarity
Once again my regrets have me set on the path of redemption
Or is it temptation that has my heart racing?
In my quest to see what's for me I have ignored what I adore
And for reasons unknown, the seeds I've sown Have brought me a harvest of unrest
So I must plow thru the lines in my mind To field a field that may yield the fruit of content
This has me spent in energy
But ironically my second wind just kicked in
And since this race isn't a sprint
I'll pick a pace so I won't easily relent, my victory...history

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Check Mate

Since I'm a King it was my belief that I can move one space in any direction.
And since I'm King I thought I could do so without any sort of correction
But as I move across the board I see that there are many pieces that I've ignored
And the victory that I thought was assured only left me with heartache that I have to endure
Made too many risky moves with my Queen and she was taken away from me
And when life got rough I knelt in front of the Bishop to ask him to pray for me
He said, "Son, although you think you're the most important piece,it is with the other pieces that you succeed","So as you advance across the board, only relinquish the pieces that you can afford"
So like a Knight I mounted my horse and left Thinking how I could continue to humble myself
More importantly, how can they believe in my new strategy
When it's so many people, that are watching my moves, who are mad at me
As I stare at the sky from the roof of my Rook I reflect on the patience that it must have took
For people to understand the moves of the King
Who thought he knew it all, but didn't know anything
So as I stand here now with things unforeseen I'm advancing my Pawns to get back my Queen Although I did lose sight and I know you all can relate I just pray that I'm understood and that it's not too late
To get back my Queen, so we can both designateAnd take over the board to end the game in Check Mate